[Translate to Englisch:] Mit ihren Lehrern Ruben Schmitt und Arnd Hartmann unternahmen Auszubildende, die an den Beruflichen Schulen in Biedenkopf die Klasse der Verfahrensmechaniker besuchen, eine viertägige Fahrt nach München.

[Translate to Englisch:] Mit ihren Lehrern Ruben Schmitt und Arnd Hartmann unternahmen Auszubildende, die an den Beruflichen Schulen in Biedenkopf die Klasse der Verfahrensmechaniker besuchen, eine viertägige Fahrt nach München.

Look at Elkamet!

Our absolute orientation towards the wishes and needs of our customers, the comprehensive assistance and support provided

to them, the constant further development of our products and the investments in personnel, machinery and buildings are keeping Elkamet on course for growth unchanged.

This growth is meanwhile founded on a solid basis – thanks to far-sighted decisions. Which means that our sights are set on the future in all areas. Including the provision of junior talent: the number of graduates
is at a record high, the number of trainees and students in the dual „StudiumPlus“ as great as ever. The newcomers also include
three refugees from Somalia und Eritrea who started their vocational training at Elkamet in September. Elkamet is furthermore committed to expanding childminding options for greater compatibility between the family and career.  In a future workshop, physicists and electrical engineers are working on innovations and the continuous further development of Elkamet‘s product range. Turning one‘s gaze to Elkamet is worth it!